Thursday, March 26, 2009

Helloooo again.
So right now I'm sitting in my hotel room in Greensboro. Which is actually AN HOUR from the track in Martinsville. Why did Customer Hosting decide that we should drive AN HOUR both ways to and from the track each day??? Not entirely sure about this one.
ALSO my room is in the back dungeon. I literally had to walk through doors that looked like fire escapes and had to ask THREE bellmen how to find my room. Slightly concerned about this...
But the room itself is nice and I have a view of the pool (which always makes me feel like I'm somewhere tropical....even though it's about 50 degrees and raining)
Plans for the day? Not much. Watching college basketball tonight (GO VILLANOVA!) and sleep. I am feeling lots better due to The Drug Concoction that the dr gave me. Excellent method of fighting The Plague.
In other news, I just ate of peice of cake that Sarah packed for me. We made a strawberry cake earlier this week and didn't finish it so she put some in a container for me to take with me to Greensboro. Which is really lovely and delightful because the cake is DELICIOUS. However, I didn't think about the fact that I would need utensils to eat the cake. So I got to my hotel room and was dying for a peice and spent like 10 minutes SCOURING the room for something to eat with. It came down to scooping the lid of the container into the cake and eating bites like that, or using the coffee stirrers as chopsticks. Good thing I've eaten a lot of sushi recently. Bad thing the coffee stirrers were the flat wooden ones.

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